
mysql55-mysql-server - The MySQL server and related files

License: GPLv2 with exceptions and LGPLv2 and BSD
Vendor: Scientific Linux
MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. MySQL is a
client/server implementation consisting of a server daemon (mysqld)
and many different client programs and libraries. This package contains
the MySQL server and some accompanying files and directories.


mysql55-mysql-server-5.5.45-1.el5.x86_64 [12.7 MiB] Changelog by Matej Muzila (2015-07-28):
- Rebase to 5.5.45
  Includes fixes for: CVE-2014-6568 CVE-2015-0374
  CVE-2015-0381 CVE-2015-0382 CVE-2015-0391 CVE-2015-0411 CVE-2015-0432
  CVE-2015-0501 CVE-2015-2568 CVE-2015-0499 CVE-2015-2571 CVE-2015-0433
  CVE-2015-0441 CVE-2015-0505 CVE-2015-2573 CVE-2015-2582 CVE-2015-2620
  CVE-2015-2643 CVE-2015-2648 CVE-2015-4737 CVE-2015-4752 CVE-2015-4757
  Resolves: #1247020
mysql55-mysql-server-5.5.40-2.el5.x86_64 [12.7 MiB] Changelog by Jakub Dorňák (2014-11-10):
filter perl(GD) from Requires (perl-gd is not available for RHEL5)
  Resolves: #1160514

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6