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= Ncurses =

== Description ==

Ncurses (new curses, pronounced "enn-curses") started as a freely
distributable "clone" of System V Release 4.0 (SVr4) curses. It has
outgrown the "clone" description, and now contains many features which
are not in SVr4 curses. Curses is a pun on the term "cursor
optimization". It is a library of functions that manage an
application's display on character-cell terminals (e.g., VT100).

The name "ncurses" was first used as the name of the curses library in
Pavel Curtis's pcurses, dated 1982. It was apparently developed on a
BSD 4.4 system, at Cornell. Parts of pcurses are readily identifiable
in ncurses, including the basics for the terminfo compiler (named
compile in that package):

  * the Caps, used to define the terminfo capabilities
  * awk scripts MKcaptab.awk, MKnames.awk
  * the library modules used for the terminfo compiler.

Besides ncurses, parts of pcurses still survive in 2010, in
recognizable form in Solaris.


== License ==

 * MIT-style

== SPKG Maintainers ==

 * Volker Braun

== Upstream Contact ==


== Dependencies ==


== Special Update/Build Instructions ==

=== Patches ===

 * xopen_source.patch: remove harmful check from aclocal.m4 which may
   reintroduce XOPEN_SOURCE on systems where it should not be used.

ncurses-6.3.tar.gztorrent3.42 MB2024-10-13 09:44
MD5: a2736befde5fee7d2b7eb45eb281cdbe
ncurses-6.0.tar.gztorrent2.99 MB2022-05-16 00:20
MD5: ee13d052e1ead260d7c28071f46eefb1
ncurses-5.9.20131221.tar.bz2torrent2.07 MB2016-01-07 23:13
MD5: b2996284ae18610aa2a4e5a968c5e1f3
ncurses-5.9.tar.bz21.95 MB2013-08-21 04:04
MD5: b370caf5c80709215b3647f62845c3d8