BooNE Common
- Fermi-release-3.0.8-7.6: "Scientific Linux" release file
- flpr-2.4-4f.9x: Fermilab standalone lpr client
- upsupdbootstrap-4.1-1: UPS/UPD bootstrap
- upsupdbootstrap-local-4.0-1: UPS/UPD bootstrap local config file
- zz_dhcp_resolv-3.0pl2-3: Fix resolv.conf when using dhcp
- zz_fermi-logos-3.0.2-3: Icons, Logos, and startup screens for Fermi
- zz_firstboot_fix-1.0-3: This fixes firstboot to fit Fermilabs enviroment.
- zz_lang_collate-1.0-3: This will configure the LC_COLLATE variable for Fermilab.
- zz_logwatch_df-1.0-3: This configures logwatch to use df -h -l instead of just df -h.
- zz_ntp_configure-4.0-2: This will configure the ntpd config files for Fermilab.
- zz_pine_user_domain-1.0-2: makes it so that when a users sends mail, it has appended
- zz_tcp_wrappers_change-3.0-3: Adds Fermi specific entries in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny