- krb5-fermi-addons - Additional Fermilab Kerberos utilities
- krb5-fermi-base - Base setup for Fermi Kerberos
- krb5-fermi-config - Configuration scripts make your Kerberos Installation Fermilab-compatible
- krb5-fermi-getcert - Convert a kerberos ticket to X.509 certificate
- krb5-fermi-krb5.conf - Fermilab configuration scripts for your Kerberos Machine
- zz_auto_update_kernel - Have autoupdate update the kernel and it's dependancies
- zz_local_dns_cache - This package configures a host do local dns caching with bind
- zz_ntp_configure - This will configure the ntpd config files for Fermilab.
- zz_sendmail_fermi_gateway - makes it so that outbound e-mail goes through the fnal.gov gateway
- zz_use_clogger - Log your system logs to the Fermi central logger