
kdegraphics: K Desktop Environment - Graphics Applications

Name:kdegraphics Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:3.5.4 License:GPL
Release:2.el5 URL:
Graphics applications for the K Desktop Environment. Includes: kdvi (displays TeX .dvi files) kghostview (displays postscript files) kcoloredit (palette editor and color chooser) kiconedit (icon editor) kolourpaint (a simple drawing program) ksnapshot (screen capture utility) kview (image viewer for GIF, JPEG, TIFF, etc.) kooka (scanner application) kruler (screen ruler and color measurement tool) kpdf (display pdf files)

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Tue Jul 31 09:22:43 2007
Size:19.49 MiB


* Thu Jul 19 17:00:00 2007 Than Ngo <than{%}redhat{*}com> - 7:3.5.4-2.el5
- Resolves: bz#248217, CVE-2007-3387 xpdf integer overflow
* Thu Aug 10 17:00:00 2006 Than Ngo <than{%}redhat{*}com> 7:3.5.4-1
- rebuild
* Mon Jul 24 17:00:00 2006 Tim Powers <timp{%}redhat{*}com> - 7:3.5.4-0.pre2
- rebuild

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