Letter G
Packages beginning with letter "G".
- gdbm - A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing
- gdbm-devel - Development libraries and header files for the gdbm library
- gfs2-utils - Utilities for managing the global filesystem (GFS2)
- gimp - GNU Image Manipulation Program
- gimp-devel - GIMP plugin and extension development kit
- gimp-devel-tools - GIMP plugin and extension development tools
- gimp-help-browser - GIMP help browser plug-in
- gimp-libs - GIMP libraries
- glibc - The GNU libc libraries
- glibc-common - Common binaries and locale data for glibc
- glibc-devel - Object files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-headers - Header files for development using standard C libraries.
- glibc-static - C library static libraries for -static linking.
- glibc-utils - Development utilities from GNU C library
- gnome-settings-daemon - The daemon sharing settings from GNOME to GTK+/KDE applications
- gnome-settings-daemon-devel - Development files for gnome-settings-daemon
- gnome-terminal - Terminal emulator for GNOME
- gstreamer-plugins-good - GStreamer plug-ins with good code and licensing
- gstreamer-plugins-good-devel - Dummy package to make gstreamer-plugins-good multilib
- gvfs - Backends for the gio framework in GLib
- gvfs-afc - AFC support for gvfs
- gvfs-archive - Archiving support for gvfs
- gvfs-devel - Development files for gvfs
- gvfs-fuse - FUSE support for gvfs
- gvfs-gphoto2 - gphoto2 support for gvfs
- gvfs-obexftp - ObexFTP support for gvfs
- gvfs-smb - Windows fileshare support for gvfs