system environment/base
- authconfig - Command line tool for setting up authentication from network services
- authconfig-gtk - Graphical tool for setting up authentication from network services
- ca-certificates - The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle
- ccs - Cluster Configuration System
- chkconfig - A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy
- cman - Red Hat Cluster Manager
- cmirror - Daemon for device-mapper-based clustered mirrors
- cpufrequtils - CPU Frequency changing related utilities
- cronie - Cron daemon for executing programs at set times
- cronie-anacron - Utility for running regular jobs
- cronie-noanacron - Utility for running simple regular jobs in old cron style
- debugmode - Scripts for running in debugging mode
- device-mapper - Device mapper utility
- device-mapper-event - Device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-multipath - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper
- dhclient - Provides the dhclient ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script
- dhcp-common - Common files used by ISC dhcp client and server
- dmidecode - Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data
- dracut - Initramfs generator using udev
- dracut-caps - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs which drops capabilities
- dracut-fips - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check
- dracut-fips-aesni - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with an integrity check with aesni-intel
- dracut-generic - Metapackage to build a generic initramfs with dracut
- dracut-kernel - Metapackage to build generic initramfs with dracut with only kernel modules
- dracut-network - Dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with network support
- dracut-tools - Dracut tools to build the local initramfs
- environment-modules - Provides dynamic modification of a user's environment
- fence-agents - Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster
- fence-sanlock - Fence agent using sanlock and wdmd
- fprintd-pam - PAM module for fingerprint authentication
- glibc-common - Common binaries and locale data for glibc
- initscripts - The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts
- kpartx - Partition device manager for device-mapper devices
- libcgroup-pam - A Pluggable Authentication Module for libcgroup
- lvm2 - Userland logical volume management tools
- lvm2-cluster - Cluster extensions for userland logical volume management tools
- mdadm - The mdadm program controls Linux md devices (software RAID arrays)
- ncurses - Ncurses support utilities
- ncurses-base - Descriptions of common terminals
- ncurses-term - Terminal descriptions
- nss-pam-ldapd - An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
- nss-softokn-freebl - Freebl library for the Network Security Services
- nss-softokn-freebl-devel - Header and Library files for doing development with the Freebl library for NSS
- nss-sysinit - System NSS Initialization
- nss-tools - Tools for the Network Security Services
- ntsysv - A tool to set the stop/start of system services in a runlevel
- pam_passwdqc - Pluggable password quality-control module
- pam_ssh_agent_auth - PAM module for authentication with ssh-agent
- pki-common - Certificate System - PKI Common Framework
- pki-java-tools - Certificate System - PKI Java-Based Tools
- pki-native-tools - Certificate System - Native Tools
- pki-selinux - Certificate System - PKI Selinux Policies
- pki-setup - Certificate System - PKI Instance Creation & Removal Scripts
- pki-silent - Certificate System - Silent Installer
- pki-util - Certificate System - PKI Utility Framework
- policycoreutils - SELinux policy core utilities
- policycoreutils-gui - SELinux configuration GUI
- policycoreutils-newrole - The newrole application for RBAC/MLS
- policycoreutils-python - SELinux policy core python utilities
- policycoreutils-sandbox - SELinux sandbox utilities
- resource-agents - Open Source HA Reusable Cluster Resource Scripts
- ricci - Remote Cluster and Storage Management System
- sanlock - A shared disk lock manager
- selinux-policy - SELinux policy configuration
- selinux-policy-doc - SELinux policy documentation
- selinux-policy-minimum - SELinux minimum base policy
- selinux-policy-mls - SELinux mls base policy
- selinux-policy-targeted - SELinux targeted base policy
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
- system-config-firewall - A graphical interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-firewall-base - system-config-firewall base components and command line tool
- system-config-firewall-tui - A text interface for basic firewall setup
- system-config-printer - A printer administration tool
- system-config-printer-libs - Libraries and shared code for printer administration tool
- system-config-printer-udev - Rules for udev for automatic configuration of USB printers
- tzdata - Timezone data
- tzdata-java - Timezone data for Java
- virt-who - Agent for reporting virtual guest IDs to subscription-manager
- xfsdump - Administrative utilities for the XFS filesystem
- yum-autoupdate - Automatically update your machine daily via yum