System Environment/Base

GFS-devel: GFS Libraries and header files

Name:GFS-devel Vendor:Fermi
Version:6.0.2 License:GPL
Release:12 URL:
Libraries and header files.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Tue Dec 21 09:45:24 2004
Size:135 KiB


* Mon Nov 29 18:00:00 2004 Chris Feist <cfeist{%}redhat{*}com> 6.0.2-11
- Build for security release for RHEL3 U3.
* Tue Nov 23 18:00:00 2004 Chris Feist <cfeist{%}redhat{*}com> 6.0.2-10
- Fix .spec file to provide 'kernel-modules'.
* Mon Nov 15 18:00:00 2004 Chris Feist <cfeist{%}redhat{*}com> 6.0.2-0
- Build for new kernel.
- Fixed circular dependency in GFS fsck (rbz137256).
- gulm_tool prints resources/services registered with lock_gulmd (rbz136220).
- init.d/lock_gulmd will not start if quorum is not established after
  a specified time (rbz135732).
- init.d/lock_gulmd will not stop if GFS is mounted (rbz135730).
- pool init.d scripts no longer hang on startup until console input
  is provided (rbz137382).
- pool_assemble now contains the override option (-O) (rbz137381).
- Support for perl-Crypt-SSLeay added to fence_ilo (rbz137037).
- Support added for configurable SSL port locations in fence_ilo (rbz137035).

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