
gnutls-devel: Development files for the gnutls package.

Name:gnutls-devel Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:1.0.20 License:LGPL
Release:4.el4_8.3 URL:
The GNU TLS library implements TLS. This package contains files needed for developing applications with the GNU TLS library. Someone needs to fix this description.

Arch: i386

Build Date:Wed Aug 26 17:39:56 2009
Size:1.21 MiB


* Fri Aug 14 19:00:00 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0.20-4.3
- fix NUL characters in DN and SAN cert fields issue,
  make sure gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname() fails when certificate
  has no CN or SAN CVE-2009-2730 (#516231)
* Tue May 20 19:00:00 2008 Tomas Mraz <tmraz{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0.20-4
- fix three security issues in gnutls handshake - GNUTLS-SA-2008-1
  (#447461, #447462, #447463)
* Thu Sep 14 19:00:00 2006 Tomas Mraz <tmraz{%}redhat{*}com> 1.0.20-3.2.3
- detect forged signatures - CVE-2006-4790 (#206411), patch
  backported from upstream

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