
httpd-devel: Development tools for the Apache HTTP server.

Name:httpd-devel Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:2.0.52 License:Apache Software License
Release:41.sl4.2 URL:
The httpd-devel package contains the APXS binary and other files that you need to build Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs) for Apache. If you are installing the Apache HTTP server and you want to be able to compile or develop additional modules for Apache, you need to install this package.

Arch: i386

Build Date:Tue Nov 11 16:27:50 2008
Size:468 KiB


* Wed Oct 29 19:00:00 2008 Joe Orton <jorton{%}redhat{*}com> 2.0.52-41.ent.2
- mod_proxy: fix ProxyRemoteMatch (#464492)
* Tue Oct 28 19:00:00 2008 Joe Orton <jorton{%}redhat{*}com> 2.0.52-41.ent.1
- add security fixes for CVE-2008-2364, CVE-2008-2939 (#468838)
* Fri May 9 19:00:00 2008 Joe Orton <jorton{%}redhat{*}com> 2.0.52-41.ent
- escape the Request-Method in canned error responses (#445729)

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